Support for people with disabilities
We support people who have one or more disabilities in their everyday lives.
Our services lebensART GmbH Representation of interests
A life that is as self-determined as possible for people with disabilities. That is the goal we pursue with our services. We offer alternative living, for example. And there is mobile support for people with disabilities. And there is peer counseling. And there is personal assistance.
In Upper Austria, there is an interest group for people with disabilities.
It is committed to all things that are important for people with disabilities.
The representative body is elected by all people with disabilities in Upper Austria. And works together with the state government.
There is a separate representation of interests for clients of Volkshilfe lebensART.
Speaker: Verena Vatier
Breitwiesergut housing association
Telephone number of the housing association: 0676 / 8734 2881